Pacific Northwestern Cell
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Previous activities
16-18 August 2002: Eolian Deposits and Megaflood Features, Columbia Plateau, Washington
This trip will highlight recent research on paired sand dune and loess deposits of the Channeled Scabland and Palouse of eastern Washington, as well as examination of the dramatic geomorphic features and deposits of the megafloods from glacial Lake Missoula. There will be a winery tour and wine tasting. The trip will be limited to 75 persons. Anticipated price is $30-40. We will use the last Pacific Northwest Cell FOP e-mail list for our first notification this spring. If you want to be added to the list, contact Alan Busacca ( Trip leaders will be David Gaylord (Washington State University), Eric McDonald (Desert Research Institute), Mark Sweeney (WSU), and Alan Busacca (WSU).
More than 150 people attended the 2001 Pacific NW Cell of the FOP at Summer Lake. Copies of the guidebook may be purchased for $10.00 from Rob Negrini. Details of the field trip are available.
Overlook of Pluvial Lake Chewaucan succession along Ana River in Summer Lake Bain (photo Rob Negrini).
The transfer of knowledge: how Americans learn about glacial flow mechanics from their northern neighbors (Midwest Cell).
15-17 September 2000: Newberry Volcano, central Oregon
Since the creation of Newberry National Volcanic Monument in 1990, a number of exciting discoveries and puzzles in geology and archaeology have come to light at Newberry Volcano in central Oregon. This large Quaternary volcano has been active for at least a million years, and its flanks and caldera have hosted numerous Holocene eruptions including the 1300-year-old Big Obsidian Flow. Among the recent developments at Newberry is the discovery of a large Holocene paleoflood, Holocene uplift of the caldera floor, human use and occupation throughout the Holocene including the oldest known dwelling in western North America, drowned lake terraces 60 feet below the surface of Paulina Lake, giant bubbles in obsidian flows, numerous silicic tephras and their stratigraphy, high temperatures in deep geothermal drill holes, inflated basaltic lavas, and mappable basaltic lavas and their stratigraphy. Much work is in progress, so new discoveries and ideas may be discussed. Trip leaders will be Larry Chitwood (USFS) and Bob Jensen (USFS) with co-leaders Bob Reynolds (COCC), Steve Kuehn (WSU), Tom Connolly (U of O), and Julie Donnelly Nolan (USGS). A website ( has been set up. You can also email to communicate details of the trip. Larry Chitwood, 61644 Daly Estates Dr., Bend, OR 97702; 541-389-2373.